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Sarvodaya Hospital successfully treats India’s 2nd youngest child in India

Sarvodaya Hospital Achieves Milestone with Successful Cochlear Implant in 6-Month-Old

In a groundbreaking medical achievement, Sarvodaya Hospital in Faridabad has successfully treated a 6-month-old baby for congenital hearing loss, marking India's second youngest case of a successful cochlear implant. This accomplishment underscores the hospital's commitment to delivering affordable and compassionate care with top-class medical facilities.

The baby, whose parents are both deaf and mute, underwent early screening prompted by the family's awareness of their genetic predisposition. Essential diagnostic tests, such as Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) and Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR), confirmed that the infant suffered from congenital hearing loss in both ears. This condition, which can result from abnormal fetal auditory system development or genetic inheritance, left the baby unable to hear from birth. Following the diagnosis, the child underwent cochlear implant surgery, which restored hearing.

Cochlear implants are advanced electronic devices designed to aid individuals with severe hearing loss by bypassing damaged parts of the ear and directly stimulating the hearing nerve. The system comprises two components: an internal device surgically implanted in the ear and an external device that includes a speech processor, a transmitting coil, and a microphone. The external device captures sounds and converts them into digital signals, which are then transmitted to the internal device to stimulate the auditory nerve, enabling the perception of sound.

Dr. Ravi Bhatia, Director of ENT and Cochlear Implants at Sarvodaya Hospital, emphasized the significance of early intervention in such cases. "In India, 6-8 out of every 1,000 children are born with congenital hearing loss. Unfortunately, many newborns are not screened at birth, suggesting the actual incidence may be higher. Globally, cochlear implant surgeries have a success rate exceeding 98% in both children and adults. Early identification and intervention are crucial, especially for children with severe to profound hearing loss, as they yield immediate and positive outcomes. This case was particularly critical due to the parents' condition, prompting the grandparents to ensure early screening. Cochlear implants can be life-changing for children, enabling them to engage with the auditory world and develop speech and language skills comparable to their peers with normal hearing."

Mr. Raja Suman, Chief Audiologist at Sarvodaya Hospital's Centre of ENT and Cochlear Implant, highlighted the comprehensive care provided to the child. "The baby was continuously monitored to ensure optimal progress. Our team, including audiologists, auditory-verbal therapists, and speech-language pathologists, closely tracked the child's auditory development, speech, and language. This tailored support throughout the rehabilitation process aimed to ensure successful hearing outcomes."

This case exemplifies Sarvodaya Healthcare's dedication to advanced cochlear implant surgeries, combining compassion, cutting-edge technology, accessibility, affordability, and quality in all healthcare services. With over 300 successful cochlear implants, Sarvodaya Hospital continues to enhance the hearing capabilities and quality of life for many patients.

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