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Kolkata Doctors Save Lady from the Jaws of Death

An extremely high-risk patient develops a rare complication following gallbladder stone surgery.

In a remarkable medical feat, doctors at Manipal Broadway Hospital in Kolkata saved a woman from the brink of death after she developed a rare and severe complication following gallbladder stone surgery, which was done in another hospital. The patient, who remains unnamed for privacy, faced numerous life-threatening issues that required expert intervention.

The ordeal began when the patient underwent routine laparoscopic surgery in to remove her gallbladder stones. During the procedure, she suffered an injury to her bile duct, a tube that carries bile from the liver to the small intestine.

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), a procedure that utilises both endoscopy and fluoroscopy, is employed to diagnose and treat specific issues of the biliary or pancreatic ducts. This method, along with antibiotics, was initially used to manage a bile leak caused by the botched laparoscopic gall bladder surgery.

Despite these measures, the patient developed severe internal bile leakage and a collection of infected fluids, leading to sepsis—a dangerous, widespread infection. As doctors attempted to manage these complications conservatively, she faced another crisis: a pseudoaneurysm in her right hepatic artery, an abnormal bulging blood vessel that began to bleed repeatedly.

Blood clots further complicated her situation by blocking her main liver blood supply via the portal vein.

Pointing out that initial attempts to stop the bleeding through angiography and blocking the blood vessel, also called embolisation, were unsuccessful, and her condition deteriorated as sepsis and infection worsened, Dr. Mandal said, "On top of how bad things were for her, we found that blood clots had blocked the portal vein, which her liver relied on for blood flow."

"Our first attempts to stop the bleeding with angiography and blocking the blood vessel failed, and she developed a severe infection and sepsis, which worsened her condition," he added.

"Her levels of albumin, a protein that helps the body heal, dropped to 2 g/dl, which was dangerously low, and its normal range is from 3.5 to 5.5 grammes per deciliter of blood," he added, further emphasising the delicateness of the situation.

Given her extremely high risk of liver failure and death, the medical board initially refused surgery. However, with no other options and her life in jeopardy, Dr. Sanjay Mandal took on the challenge. After thorough counselling and obtaining consent, the team decided to proceed with the high-risk surgery.

The complex and delicate surgery lasted five hours. Dr. Mandal and his team worked tirelessly to ligate (tie off) the bleeding vessel and the aneurysm. Despite the difficulties and risks involved, the operation was a success.

"The complex and delicate surgery lasted five hours. We worked tirelessly to tie off the bleeding vessel and aneurysm. Despite the difficulties and risks involved, we are happy that we succeeded in saving her life," Dr. Mandal said.

Post-surgery, the patient faced a tough recovery period. Nevertheless, the diligent care provided by the medical team at Manipal Broadway Hospital ensured she overcame the odds. Her family and the medical team were greatly relieved when she was eventually discharged in stable condition.

This extraordinary case demonstrates the dedication and skill of Kolkata's medical professionals in saving lives despite overwhelming odds.

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