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Dr. Prathima Reddy, Director and Lead Consultant at SPARSH Hospital, Bangalore

Teenagers can effectively manage menstrual pain with these helpful tips

Simple strategies can effectively manage menstrual pain, a common discomfort among teenage girls, as advised by Dr. Prathima Reddy, Director and Lead Consultant at SPARSH Hospital, Bangalore. 

Dr. Reddy acknowledges that many teenagers find menstrual pain, or dysmenorrhea, to be a challenging experience. "Yet, practical tips can help alleviate this discomfort." 

Dr. Reddy recommends the following tips for teenagers to manage intense menstrual pain: 

Be active and participate in light physical activities such as walking or engaging in gentle stretching. These activities increase blood circulation and release endorphins, which are the body's natural pain relievers. 

Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Ginger, turmeric, and omega-3-rich foods possess anti-inflammatory properties that aid in alleviating menstrual discomfort. 

Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to reduce bloating and alleviate cramps. Staying properly hydrated alleviates discomfort and maintains the body's hydration levels. 

Relax muscles and reduce tension by placing a heating pad or warm water bottle on the lower abdomen. This can provide relief from menstrual cramps through heat therapy. 

By practicing deep breathing, meditation, or yoga, you can learn relaxation techniques that reduce stress and tension that can worsen menstrual pain. You can promote overall well-being by incorporating these techniques into your daily routines. 

Get quality sleep by establishing a regular sleep schedule and creating a comfortable sleep environment. Getting enough rest is crucial for managing menstrual pain and maintaining overall health. 

If the pain is intense and other tips do not provide sufficient relief, use pain relief medications. Before starting any medication regimen, it is important to consult a gynaecologist. 

Get Support: Reach out to friends, family, or healthcare providers to seek emotional support and gain valuable insights about menstrual pain. Teenagers facing similar challenges can also connect through online support groups. 

Keep a record of symptoms. Use period tracking apps to monitor menstrual cycles and symptoms, helping you identify patterns and gain a better understanding of your body. 

Dr. Reddy highlights that menstrual pain varies for each adolescent. During monthly cycles, it is essential to find personalised strategies for self-care. 

Dr. Reddy concludes that providing emotional and mental support during this time is a crucial role for parents. Understanding and supporting their child's needs can have a significant impact on their well-being. 

Teenagers can manage menstrual pain and promote their overall health and comfort by following these tips and seeking appropriate support. 

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