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Dr. Asha Agarwal

Cochlear Implants: A Lifeline for Children with Hearing and Speech Impairments

Receiving news that their child cannot hear or speak can be an overwhelming shock for parents. However, for families facing such challenges, this does not mark the end of hope.

In fact, modern medical advancements, particularly cochlear implants, offer a transformative solution. These implants can restore both hearing and speech abilities in children, and various government programs provide financial support to make this treatment accessible.

Dr. Asha Agarwal, Chief Audiologist and Director of Asha Speech and Hearing Clinics, emphasizes the critical timing for cochlear implants. “Cochlear implants need to be carried out before the child reaches two years of age to ensure the development of language and normal speech,” she explains. Fortunately, India’s Central Government has introduced the Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids and Appliances (ADIP) scheme, which funds free cochlear implants for children under five. In this program, not only are the implants covered, but the surgery is also performed free of charge, with hospitals receiving reimbursement from the government.

For parents concerned about accessing speech therapy, Dr. Agarwal highlights that the government is also making provisions to support them. "Many states run their own cochlear implant programs, and parents should take advantage of these opportunities. There’s no need to fear that their child is too young for surgery," she reassures. Additionally, the Prime Minister and Chief Minister Relief Funds are available to assist families.

Dr. Alok Aggarwal from the Department of ENT at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH) further explains that cochlear implants are typically required for children who are born deaf. "A mother is often the first to notice if her child isn't responding to sounds," he says, recommending the Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) test as a crucial tool to confirm hearing impairment. "If the child is not hearing properly, a cochlear implant may be necessary."

Regarding the financial aspect, Dr. Alok points out a significant barrier: no Indian company currently manufactures cochlear implants, and the cheapest models start at around Rs 5.5 lakh. However, through the ADIP scheme and the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund, up to Rs 3 lakh can be reimbursed. While some patients face difficulties in accessing these government-funded schemes, Dr. Alok advises families to seek help from local leaders, as there is no central organization to streamline the process.

Early detection of hearing impairment is essential, as newborns are routinely screened for hearing issues. "If the hearing test indicates a problem, we immediately prepare the parents for their child’s cochlear implant procedure," says Dr. Alok. Once the implant is in place, it allows the child to hear, speak, and even attend mainstream schools. "These implants are life-long and can help children lead a normal life."

Many parents are unaware of their child's hearing difficulties, which makes early testing and timely intervention crucial. With the right support and medical advancements like cochlear implants, children born with hearing and speech impairments have the opportunity to develop their communication abilities and thrive in everyday life.


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